4 December 2024 Planning Committee – Additional Representations


Item & Page #

Site Address

Application No.


Item A

p. 11-12, 15 & 16

15-26 Lincoln Cottages, Brighton,


Updates to conditions


Condition 1 (plans list)

Following receipt of amended plans on 28/11/24 providing clarification of second floor window details, the wording of the condition 1 is amended to read:

Condition 4 (Ground Levels) wording is amended to read:

Other than demolition works, the development hereby permitted shall not commence until full details of existing and proposed ground levels (referenced as Above Ordnance Datum) within the site and on land and buildings adjoining the site by means of spot heights and cross-sections, proposed siting and finished floor levels of all buildings and structures, have been submitted to and approved by the Local Planning Authority.  The development shall then be implemented in accordance with the approved level details. 

Reason: As this matter is fundamental to the acceptable delivery of the permission to safeguard the amenities of nearby properties and to safeguard the character and appearance of the area, in addition to comply with Policies DM18 and DM20 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2 and CP12 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One.


Condition 11 (Landscaping Plan) wording is amended to read:

Prior to occupation of the development hereby permitted, a scheme for landscaping, including the communal garden, shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The approved landscaping scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details in the first planting season after completion or first occupation of the development, whichever is the sooner. The scheme shall include the following: 

a.            details of all hard and soft surfacing to include the type, position, design, dimensions and materials and any sustainable drainage system used; 

b.            a schedule detailing sizes and numbers/densities of all proposed trees/plants including food-bearing plants, and details of tree pit design, use of guards or other protective measures and confirmation of location, species and sizes, nursery stock type, supplier and defect period; 

c.            details of all boundary treatments to include type, position, design, dimensions and materials; 


Any trees or plants which within a period of 5 years from the completion of the development die, are removed or become seriously damaged or diseased shall be replaced in the next planting season with others of similar size and species. The communal garden shall be maintained and retained for the use of residents of the development. 

Reason: To enhance the appearance of the development in the interest of the visual amenities of the area and to provide ecological and sustainability benefits, to comply with policies DM22 and DM37 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2, and CP8, CP10, CP12 and CP13 of the Brighton & Hove City Plan Part One.


Additional Condition (Heat Pumps):

Noise associated with the air source heat pumps shall be controlled such that the Rating Level measured or calculated at 1-metre from the façade of the nearest existing noise sensitive premises, shall not exceed the existing LA90 background noise level. The Rating Level and existing background noise levels are to be determined as per the guidance provided in BS4142:2014-A1:2019 (or the relevant updated Standard). In addition, there should be no significant low frequency tones present.

Reason: To safeguard the amenities of the occupiers of neighbouring properties and to comply with policies DM20 and DM40 of Brighton & Hove City Plan Part 2.

Item B

P.36 & 37

St Margarets

High Street





Additional representations

Since the officer report was published, two (2) further letters of support have been received. The points raised are already summarised in the officer report.


Additional Consultee

Planning Urban Design Officer Object

Generally, rooftop development such as telecommunications antennas can create unwelcome visual clutter on flat roofs; therefore, should be designed to be concealed behind façade elements/parapets/screens. Subject to technical considerations it might be possible to consider different approaches to achieving a screening strategy to lessen visual impacts.




Item C

Page 54


Land Rear Of 15 Dean Court Road





Additional representations

Since the officer report was published, seven (7) further letters of objection have been received. This takes the number of objections received during the November 2024 re-consultation to nine (9). The points raised are already summarised in the officer report.


The total number of individual objectors across both consultation periods remains at thirteen (13).

Item D


8 Stanford Close




Additional representations

Since the officer report was published, two (2) further letters of objection have been received from the previous objectors. The points raised are already summarised in the officer report.

Plans list not updated, condition 1 not affected. Amended existing front and rear elevations received 25.11.2024 to accurately include existing side dormer. Amended existing drawings are as follows:


Drawing Number   Drawing Title




Item E

p.83 & 86-86

44 Saxon Road





Amendment to paragraph 4.2

The scheme originally approved under BH2023/02990 permitted a single storey front extension to be finished in white render whilst retaining the red brickwork base to the northern part of the property. This application seeks to vary the approved drawings to include the provision of render to the sections of red brick to the front and side elevations of the property and to retain the grey tiling to the front elevation projecting bay.


Amendment to paragraph 9.8


The property is not located within an area covered by an Article 4 Direction relating to alterations and extensions of dwellinghouses and its permitted development rights for alterations to the external appearance of the building have not been removed.  The change from brick to render would not require a planning application once the development approved under BH2023/02990 is completed and therefore this is a material consideration in determining this application.


It is noted that the applicant during the course of works has changed the roof tiles to the main house to grey. This is considered to be permitted development under Class C of the GPDO. It is also of note that the front projecting bay has also had it’s tiles changed to grey. Whilst the changing of the bay tiles is not permitted development and therefore falls to be considered under this application, given that they match the otherwise permitted roof tiles, no concerns are raised in this particular regards.